Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Hey Did Warren Buffet Just Agree With Me

I’m in Good Company Finally on Debt and Deficit

Ok I am not a national economic brand like Warren Buffet but very proud to be “On The Money”. With that I must say I do have a pretty large voice across the country and I have been ranting about the deficit and debt for 2 years. Finally, the big boys are going public with their vision of a catastrophe just waiting to happen to the entire US economy that will be much worse than the financial crisis.

Yes I am frustrated and bit red in the face that I don’t have an Op Ed in the NY Times. But my book IOUSA NOT – is coming out in the next few months. I do feel a great deal of pride in the “On The Money” track record I have built. The debt and deficit as have been shouting about at the top of my lungs are cancer, brain trauma, suicide or any other form of death. It is simply not sustainable and with everything done over the past 2 years and foreseeable future we are sunk. During the time of World War II the nation had a deficit of 4% of GDP. We have triple that this year of 13% or $1.8 trillion. Here is the catch – what do you think the GDP back then was compared to today. These comparison figure are apples and oranges and astronomically different.

This will come home to roost and be devastating – MARK MY WORDS! Dare say again.

Can you or me stop this free fall of our capitalist nation. NO! No one really cares or will listen to our opinion without some national news exposure. Just look at the activist in the Town Hall meeting on healthcare. The only way to bring light to this nationally and to enrage a populous is to broadcast and broadcast what is downright wrong about the direction of the country. That is what we are here for and it is our responsibility to air daily or weekly briefings and the state of the economy – and all the backroom accounting and deals – so everyone is highly educated on the appealing and mismanagement of the country.

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