Monday, August 25, 2008


Political fraud happens every day. Every word, gaff, background, look, handshake, speech etc.. is under intense scrutiny and exploited as news worthy every single minute during the election season. The Circus is in town and we all have tickets to the Greatest Joke on Earth.. The American Election.

Think of all the crap that happens during this cycle – I heard even last night “DEFINING” McCain. Are you kidding me – I was so pissed off I turned plaid and couldn’t sleep – talk about how crazy I am about this stuff! Defining anyone has zero relevance and is political fraud. The person is the person – running mates running mates and our political process is reduced to having tag lines and ideas spewed at the other guy so he isn’t an acceptable brand in America. Hundreds of Millions of dollars spent doing it.

The only relevant things in an election is the track record of public or private service. The business plans for each segment of the economy and should include b plans from the party for Social Security, deficit, war, religion and all other things not to be spoken of at a dinner table. Rick Warren’s platform was a significant step toward bringing honesty back to the system. Why shouldn’t we have the candidates just stand up and answer questions. The cabinet, VP, one by one have slates and slates of questions, the track record available, the mission statement and executive summary available. The rest is all so absolutely appalling I can’t even finish my coffee I am so upset. Aren’t you upset!

I realize the money game and all that is spent into the media and the economy at this time of year, all the favors, back room deals, eye winking and head nodding being done and frankly the snow job we allow to happen. Obama this time has to live up to DNC freak shows of the past and hype everything about himself and others to make him look like the guy to bring our nation from despair. What a joke and all the democrats will open wide and just eat until they can’t anymore. Broken promises, lies, filth, slander and fraud.

Honestly, I have hit a chord in myself now and I am certain this is a sickening subject to even present to your audience but we are lied to , BS-ed, snowed over and we actually accept be defrauded at the grandest scale ever known on this planet. Like a runaway train we all can’t stop it can we. No matter what we say or do we are powerless to do anything to change this or anything else in America. How does it feel?

Monday, August 18, 2008


Election Taxes Economy Energy Healthcare
Deficit Social Security Welfare Congress Culture
Add to those the threat to America and Obama given he was born into a devout Muslim family and converted to Christianity and is being hailed in Europe as the West’s first Muslim born leader. By Sharia Law converting from Islam to Christianity is punishable by death. Will this enrage radical Islamic extremist? Will this put Obama and our nation’s leader in harm’s way?

We have to face the fact that our nation is BANKRUPT! Financially, Spiritually, and Socially. Our cities are crumbling, hopelessness is everywhere, we have created a permanent social underclass, our family values, morals and spiritual compass are being flushed and spinning like in the Bermuda Triangle, denigration of our society from within by urban hip hop, Liberal television, publications and media, fraud, waste and abuse in Washington and an Economic Disaster that we have only seen the beginning of.

We need leadership, a national voice and some guts to turn it around or we will hit rock bottom. Here are simple solutions.

Election. Do not elect an inexperienced Liberal Brand that has “Rock Star” Appeal.
Our way of life is in grave danger and now more than ever we need deep experience in the White House

Our population is sheepish and fickle and largely under educated and ignorant. There will be over $200m spent to convince them that a brand is electable.

Solution: Vote for a box of TIDE instead. It’s a Brand we trust and it cleans things up!

Don’t Raise or Lower Taxes. Don’t Lie about it either!

Economy Bonds are a way to give Americans a savings account and we desperately need to shift from a credit to a savings nation. Use a portion of taxes each year to invest in Economy Bonds. Government can use the money, Citizens can own a piece of America and we bolster every American’s personal net worth and confidence.

Economy. Economic downfall is imminent if we stay the course.

a. Solution. There is an office of Homeland Defense – As a Capitalist Nation whose future rests in World Governments owning America – Shouldn’t we consider an office of Economic Defense – Led by an American CEO to oversee congress and our budget.

b. With America facing spiraling deficits approaching 10 trillion and social security, Medicare, Medicaid and other national programs sure to collapse under the estimated 99 trillion needed to fund and the collapsing economy – isn’t this as critical as the Great Depression or World War II?

c. Solution: consider passing a law to require all pension, endowment, unions, 401k to take 10% of their fully invested portfolios and re allocate the funds into a national trust led by civilians and the Fed to be used only to buy back all US debt and hoarded currency.

Energy. First more than 60% comes from Canada and Latin America and a lot from the US too.
Secure 100% of our natural resources from the US, Canada and Latin America where we can control the sources. 22% from Africa and only 18% from Persian Gulf.

Solution. 100% drilling and everywhere we can – alternative fuels will not be around and usable for years and industry can’t afford to shift overnight. This is a National Security Issues and should be like the Manhattan Project and Great Works program.

Solution. Coal. We have huge stock piles of coal. Get coal into all markets, industry and any area that can use it. Free up natural gas and oil. Gasification and liquid coal should be harnessed immediately.

Solution. Waste. Use all waste facilities to put Methane Gas on the grid quicker.

Healthcare. We are not socialists but capitalists. Until a capitalist program is created that can make money from the under insured or non insured the problem will persists.

The US is broke and can’t afford healthcare for everyone.

The politicizing of Healthcare causes more lies and empty promises

Solution: Choice, competition and profit center.
i. Create a system for the uninsured and underinsured that is profitable. All uninsured will be insured if they perform civic duties 10 hours a week. Like the Great Works Program. For that the US will use its balance sheet, supported by Reinsurance to pay for primary health benefits. 40 hours a month x minimum wage can pay for healthcare.

ii. Commercialize federal and social healthcare systems.

iii. Allow private business to submit business plans to get jump stared by government that address the needs profitably.

Deficit. Our Roman Empire is crumbling and the Visigoths keep buying our DEBT.
$8.7 Trillion and more record deficit years will put us at appx. $10 Trillion by 2010

Social Security and Medicare/Medicaid own large amounts of the 52% owned by the US. Moving money from one broke hand to another is disastrous.

Solution: Require Pensions, Endowments, 401k managers to allocate 10% of their fully invested portfolios into a pool to buy back all debt and currency.
Social Security. Broke and owns a huge portion of US debt.

It’s broken stupid and broke. No way can it pay people in the future although they paid into the system. That is STEALING and FRAUD!

That class of consumer not being paid and all the lawsuits will tear an entire generation’s contribution to retail and services right out of the GNP.

Solution: Replace Social Security with 100% IRA accounts and contribute 5% of tax revenue into accounts for every American. Take the balance of all accounts and invest the money in the Market and arbitrage the returns.

Welfare. We are an entitlement nation not a working nation anymore.

Solution: Anyone on Welfare or Food Stamps must work 15 hours a week in civic duties.

Solution: Anyone on Welfare must attend a works program 15 hours a week to learn new skills and increase core education

Solution: Anyone on Welfare must submit to drug screening

Solution: Anyone on Welfare with children must have children attend and education works program and risk being thrown out of Welfare or in jail if more kids are born to them until they are stable.

Congress. Congress is self governed although they pass laws to govern all other industry and executive behavior.

If the US was a company its executives and board – in this case many lawmakers would be in jail.

Solution: Govern Congress and the Budget. If Congress is overseen by a civilian group and all monies spent has to pass through a civilian and FED board then the special interests and other lobbyists would fail to have influence and fraud, waste , pork and abuse would be governed.

Culture. Our culture is decadent, weak and a mess. From Aquarius and Hip Hop the decades show our social denigration.

Solution: All kids age 18 must spend 1 year in the Peace Corp, Military, National Guard or other Social Works Program

Solution: All kids upon graduation from college or high school (if not attending college) must spend 15 hours a week providing community services for 18 months.

Solution: Mentoring System. Elderly to middle aged, middle age to adult, adult to teen, teen down through every class.
i. Children of every age in school must be responsible for a child one grade below as every adult of every age be responsible for someone in their community younger than them.
ii. Wisdom classes in grade school and high school and college. Taking life lessons from the elderly and the terminally ill and creating course work for our children to see the big picture.

Sunday, August 10, 2008


Rita Cosby unites Bill Glynn with Ross Perot on how to avoid the American Economic Disaster

Rita Cosby hosted Ross Perot and me on the Steve Malzberg show Friday. The Economic Crisis, political pandering and empty promises topped the list. America is teetering on the brink of another Great Depression while politicians and political parties pander for votes from the largely under educated ignorant voters in America. Even The Washington Post over the weekend released a story about the economy and correlated the Great Depression indicators to where we are today. Does anyone see we have a National Security Crisis on our hands, being eaten by cancer as our society is further denigrated, and the political parties offer nothing more than some Prozac to cover up the looming depression? I don’t just RANT so please read on or go directly to LIBERATION DAY to get right down business!

America faces one of the most challenging and potentially devastating crisis’s in our short history. Despite the facts, politicians and parties still pander, promote empty promises and stuff the talking points d’jour down our throats with hundreds of millions of dollars being spent creating and marketing their brands. America is in big trouble and as usual I predict we will wait until the devastation occurs instead of going on a massive offensive. This nation needs to mobilize every tool in the shed as if World War III: An Economic War was upon us. Frankly it is.

We can all point the finger, lay blame and talk from the arm chair. In the end here are facts:

You are Making it Happen!

You are Watching it Happen! Or

It is Happening to You!

Where do you think the majority of our leaders and people are today? Yes, watching it happen to them.

There is no easy cure for a debtor nation’s woes but worse no one is prescribing a solution to the looming issues that can destroy our way of life. It sounds harsh and I believe America will survive the plunge but what will America look like after the fall of Rome? Where will our ego and standing in the world wind up? Most importantly what can be done about it to minimize the Tsunami coming after the waves of chaos that have already struck.
Well here are some points to ponder and real solutions not rhetoric to think about. Let’s call it Psychotherapy not Economic Prozac.

Our Government just put itself on the hook for trillions of dollars of loans. TRILLIONS! The Federal government stepping into the free markets in such a major way is unprecedented. What can be done because our government will face more and can’t pay for what they are on the hook for already? ARE WE BANKRUPT YET!

The government deficit is criminal. Bankrupting our nation should be treason. We are vulnerable to major nations cutting our credit off like banks are doing to consumers. Our nation is now a risk to invest in and our currency is losing its footing as the underpinnings of world trade.

The banking collapse is still coming. We haven’t seen the other shoes dropping yet but there will be many as $700 billion or so is still out there and only about $300 billion written off so far.
The Lawmakers and consumers are credit alcoholics and are being forced into rehab. This will cause the woes to spiral as American consumers will not be able to consume because banks are cutting them off. The impact to retail and services will be horrifying.

The insurance companies, re insurance companies, Ford, GM, Merrill Lynch, Bear Stearns, on and on are either in huge trouble, being bought by foreign companies and nations or on the brink of collapse. We have only begun to see the meltdown.
So what do we do about it? I offer solutions and none include raising taxes or lower them!


THE SILVER BULLET: I have and will keep presenting the 10% solution, a law that will require 10% of the fully invested portfolios of pensions, Union Taft Hartley, 401ks, Endowments, corporate investments that combined are well over $100 Trillion, be re allocated into one pooled investment vehicle managed by the biggest guns we have; i.e. Pete Pete Peterson, George Russell, Ross Perot, Michael Bloomberg, Donald Trump, Carl Icon, Hank Greenberg and so on, perhaps aligned with the Fed. 100% of the Trillions will be used to buy back ALL US debt. Buy back hoards of currency to save the dollar and bring our nation back from the brink. Liberation Day! The Day America freed itself from the grips of foreign nations. The added trick is that a trillion dollar investment from the pool to buy zeros coupon bonds will assure that the money will be fully paid back at the end of the investment and huge liquidity is injected into the failing credit markets. (Zeros are bought at a discount say 200 dollars and mature at a 1000. Therefore the money borrowed is guaranteed to be paid back.)

Economy Bonds: How do we save the economy while transforming our credit addicted nation back into a savings nation? Allow only Americans to buy economy bonds. Like War Bonds, the bonds need to be sold and promoted to everyone at every level and become part of a tax investment program aimed at strengthening the economy, requiring Americans to invest in our nation, become savers not borrowers and position social security supplemental or replacement accounts. Use tax dollars owed can be used to have a guaranteed amount in savings while not depleting the government tax revenue. Every American will have investments and savings.
Like an IRA and a tax break, give Americans economy bonds instead of lowering taxes.

FIRE IRRESPONSIBLE LAWMAKERS: If America was a company our leaders would be in Jail for all the pork, fraud, waste, abuse of power, and for bankrupting our nation. Yet despite the outright vile behavior and record low satisfaction levels the “SELF GOVERNED” law makers remain in position to make decision that affect our future. How the heck did America get to the point where this is happening! Laws have been set across the SEC and Corporations for ethics, accounting, rules of behavior – yet Lawmakers remain way out of bounds and don’t adhere to anything but their self governance and self imposed standards.

Office of American Financial Security

The American CEO: Never elected in and out of office but can be fired. The CEO and is staff oversee the budget, oversees investment, trade deals, currency hoarding and printing, and all fiscal parts of our government. Here is where Ross Perot would be our man. We set up an Office of Homeland Security, Why not an Office of American Financial Security – we are after all a capitalist country and we are under threat of Economic War.

Fraud, pork, special interest, waste, abuse etc..: Manage the budget and lawmakers and make sure none of this can ever permeate our system. Take away the ability to spend our money like drunks and see how fast special interests lose interest!
Commercialize Government: Look how good it did for the postal services and Dept of Commerce in Virginia. You want our government to serve you then get the fat, the poor customer service, leadership and outright incompetence out! Make everyone accountable and be subject to the same rules that apply in business. We are a capitalist nation of course.

Halt credit bureaus: For last 12 months clean any payments under 90 days off the credit bureau reports. You want to provide relief then allow people to get future access to decent home loans and car loans etc.. or as mentioned earlier don’t and see huge parts of our economy no longer participating in consuming.

Post deficit: if we can pull off a pay down of the deficit then all trade deals and interactions financially with the UN, World Bank and all nations should immediately be brought under one financial team made up of super stars again and get our nation back on top in the world.
Raise taxes on all non US produced goods: It will create an economic war among nations but we couldn’t come out behind because most of the world sells their products to us and don’t buy ours as much – hence the trade imbalance. The outcome in my opinion will be hugely positive to the US but not without pain.

Finally but certainly not all: Get our education system corrected by commercializing public schools. Find unique and inventive ways to clean up the programs and the system with one huge revolution and use any means commercially – branding, slotting for products, marketing and ad revenue, whatever it takes to attract the brightest and best teachers and to change the massive downturn.

Suffering from cancer – eroding from the inside is how Rome Fell! Political inaction and denigration of our society assures that America will follow.

There are many more good ideas out there but I fear lawmakers and incompetents have such a hold on power in the US and we as people are completely impotent that we will be bankrupt and our way of live devastated in my lifetime.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008



Imagine this country as a company and that we are all shareholders. If this were the case the executives and board of directors would be indicted and many of them would go to jail. Now suppose the CEO interviewing for the job makes promises that can’t possibly be kept and delivers strategies and insane plans to solve all of the corporation’s problems that can’t work even under the best of circumstances. Add pandering each hot topic d’jour to us like we are children with no education as to how the company runs. Finally, no experience as an executive, no fiscal background, no international experience, no defense or security background and a light resume in the government with no articulate workable strategy to run the company.

Would you hire this person to run your company? Would you be led by the nose and buy into branding, hype and rhetoric focused on making you believe whatever is fed to you? How about strategic advice like taxing successful companies, cutting 1000 dollar checks back to shareholder with no way to actually make it happen, delivering your covert strategies and proprietary information to your enemies and throwing the current President and Presidential contender under the bus in front of the whole world. There is so much more. I ask you, would you vote to have this person run your company?

I am appalled at best to hear politicians, especially Obama, come out time and time again with absolute garbage and frankly ideas that I believe worsen our already fragile economy. But many Americans just eat it up and ask for seconds. Well I am not buying one piece of the BS being thrown out about oil, deficit, war, politics, china, mortgages and what is “GOOD” for your family and this country. Asking career public servants or politicians and people with absolutely no experience to solve an energy crisis, bank failures and international problems is like throwing rocks at the sun.

We need to wake up and recognize that if politicians want your opinion they are happy to spend a few hundred million dollars per campaign cycle to give it to you so they can have your vote. Well here is my opinion. We should all write in and vote for Tide, yes a box of soap – or soap box if you like or the Obama brand of detergent. Hey at least Tide is a brand we trust. I bet if Americans were queried overwhelmingly they would say they don’t trust government or the politicians just see Congress’ approval rating. Also, Tide cleans really good and I think we all agree that not only the politicians’ mouths should be washed out with soap but DC should be too. And Tide gets the stains out! Wow sounds like a great leader, so let’s elect that to run our country and to lead the free world.

Unfortunately, the population is swayed by branding and excited about its newest brand, a rock star candidate that has done one of the best branding jobs I’ve ever seen. Whether it’s the “Where’s the beef” actor, Barney, Barack the Builder or a box of Tide, we have been reduced to consumers of Political Products and fascinated by the entertainment value of the Political TV we eat up every night.

Saturday, August 2, 2008


A Nation Addicted to Credit is Forced to Go Cold Turkey: The Worst is Definitely Coming

American consumers use mostly debt not cash to buy goods, houses, cars and even groceries these days. Those consumers are the unpinning of our economy and the ripples of credit withdrawal haven’t been reported or factored into the meltdown. Banks, desperate to survive the credit and liquidity crunch, are cutting off access to credit and their risk management groups are closing up bank accounts, freezing or reducing credit cards and lines of credit left and right. The trickledown effect of the meltdown hasn’t even begun yet and you don’t have to be a psychic to predict what will happen come Christmas time.

Cold Turkey! Americans and America better realize that Credit Rehab is upon us. Automakers, appliances, travel, food, recreation, clothes on and on cannot be purchased if Americans don’t have any money or access to money. The squeeze is on and everyone is tightening belts these days. Every business up and down the food chain will feel the banking crisis and the banks trying to survive will be at the root of an economic free fall. The banks’ credit tighten brings the problem right to our doorstep and will force millions of consumers out of the buying game that keeps America’s fragile economy afloat.

The Consumer Confidence Index, resulting from polling 5000 households, is an important number to the Fed and Wall Street that gauges the relative financial health, spending power and confidence of the average consumer. Hey come over here and ask my opinion! A better indicator is to just watch as sales of products, goods and services in America dwindle as American buying power shrinks and credit is maxed. Just like the US Government has been doing at Treasury Auctions, rolling over debt and interest by selling more and more bonds and T-Bills, just like the Mortgage industry where banks continued to borrow and lend more and more from the sale of its Collateralized Mortgage Obligations, the same holds true for American consumers that have refinanced, borrowed and leveraged their future with credit. When it runs out or the piper comes calling, which is the case these days, what do you think will happen?

Boom! Bankruptcy, credit counseling, 30, 60, 90 days late – which then only exasperates the problem. Americans are getting cut off. I believe America will too. This is not a revelation just common sense. As a nation we have spent, borrowed and sold ourselves into bondage and the consumers have followed right down the drain too. The sucking sound you hear isn’t just money but the life blood of our nation and even more certain our economy and its consumers.