Thursday, July 31, 2008


Singapore Joins the Ranks of Foreign Nations and Companies Gobbling Up America while Exxon earns $11.7 Billion This quarter

Can anyone remember the movie Americathon ( with John Ritter (1979) where the Chinese and Arabs ruled the world and America, out of gas literally and figuratively, has to raise money to stay afloat? How prophetic was that! In fact in the movie San Diego was sold to Mexico. Sound farfetched? I predict America will have to raise money to stave off bankruptcy in our not too distant future if America doesn’t change its course quickly and massively. Look at Wall Street and all of our Banks and companies selling out and raising huge sums of money to stay afloat. Our most sacred institutions are SELL OUTS! Wait until GM has to go to the well. Oh add in Ford and our airlines and our government that has always been for sale.

The mortgage meltdown, collapsed dollar and economic woes have placed America squarely on the chopping block. As the FED bails out the economy and the government bails out airlines and farmers and subsidizes industry we forget that we borrow all that money mostly from foreign nations. The very heart and soul of our country has been hijacked and our government and business leaders have sold us down the river. Don’t forget Exxon with $11.7 Billion profit just for this quarter.

We hear about jobs going overseas, illegal immigration, gas prices, jobs etc. but do we ever keep score of how much of our country has been sold off. How much real estate is owned by foreign nations, how much of our debt is owned by foreign nations? Where is that score board? I think someone should assemble the facts and track all the figures of foreign ownership of our nation and the massive leverage other countries have over our way of life. ANYONE GAME FOR THAT!

I think if the American people saw the nightmare that is our country in decay they would understand that our system has failed us and the Oligarchy cashed out, sold out and got out. It is repulsive just to think about it, we might as well throw our mothers in for a deal. This in an outrage!

Monday, July 28, 2008



“Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe."

Albert Einstein

What caused the financial industry meltdown - Greed or Stupidity! Just take a look at the definition of Stupidity! .

Stupidity is willful ignorance or unintelligence. This quality can be related to a person's actions, words or beliefs, or those of a group.

This meltdown should drive every American to riot? The massive loss of money, homes, livelihood and America’s economic credibility are just the beginning. Who would have thought that America is teetering on another Great Depression and Mr. Russia and China may be our Mr. Potter in this version of “It’s a Wonderful American Life”.

What enrages me is these people think we are stupid. It doesn’t take education and being a financial expert to understand that Enron and Worldcom pale in comparison to the criminals that caused this debacle. It’s the same fraud, greed, mismanagement, lying and cheating that executives at the major banks and financial institutions perpetrated on all of us and our government as the executives at all the failed companies like Enron and Worldcom. Executive decisions at every level where made that over leveraged banking reserves, rolled over mortgage portfolios by borrowing from the financial markets through Collateralized Mortgage Obligations and now having to borrow billions to stay afloat. Sound familiar? Yes, just like the US does at the Treasury Auctions our financial institutions are being supported and bought up by the rest of the world.

A few banks and the FDIC and FED stepping into a capitalist system is only the tip of the iceberg. The American people and many around the world will lose over $1 Trillion Dollars. Heck you might get shot in Urban America for a pair of sneakers. What do you do with the people that stood by and made hundreds of millions while cooking the books, committing fraud, lying and Lord knows what else? The punishment for all these people is loss of a job and a slap on the wrist or maybe just shrugging their shoulders and saying whoops - who cares. I care and so should you!

My opinion is that leaders, employees and anyone at any level responsible for this meltdown and within individual institutions should be in jail, their assets seized and their family and descendants sold into bondage.

Everyone is claiming ignorance, hiding losses and ducking responsibility. The executives that sold our nation down the river are criminals. Worse the FED and FDIC have to step in to post bail for our financial institutions. Now the rest of the world flush with money is buying America’s heart and soul and our sacred institutions.

You want to control Capitalist and America! Wage Economic War! Devastate our culture and way of life! Just wait for its system to collapse and buy it all up. How many of you reading this think the FED and FDIC can actually shore up our present collapse and the long line of banks and institutions going under? How many think we aren’t over an economic barrel because of the stupidity within the ranks of Banks, Investment Banks, Traders and frankly our Lawmakers etc.? How many think the worst is behind us?

We are living on borrowed time and time is a luxury we just don’t have any more. Congress, the White House and Senate acted too late, too little and it is just too bad for all of us.

"We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them."

Albert Einstein

Wednesday, July 23, 2008


Years of Out of Control Borrowing and Spending Shake Our Way of Life

President Bush rightfully labeled Wall Street as drunk and hung-over but left out the lawmakers. Together Wall Street and K Street should be committed and thrown in alcohol REHAB. The hand slapping and reform is like a night in a drunk tank. If America was a company we would be bankrupt, insolvent and the executives and board of directors would be in jail. Worse our foreign debt holders would have already taken over the business and are in a position today to cut off our binge. Our financial, political and corporate leader participated among so many other unacceptable has caused the worse peril to jeopardize our way of life since the Great Depression.

Can America’s Greatest Depression be avoided? Are lawmakers and business leaders willing to dramatically change America? I think every America would say absolutely not and if surveyed a huge majority would respond venomously with absolute outrage at how our country’s finances have been squandered and our economy managed to the brink of catastrophe. Although the American People, as our panderers like to call us, didn’t run up the national deficit, cause the dollar to go into free fall and have to prop up the mortgage giants Fannie and Freddie, we all are feeling the massive affects of the FIRST of MANY SHOES to DROP! Insurance and Reinsurance Giants, Hedge Funds, Pension Plans, Retirement Plans, run away deficit, melting dollar, bank collapses, a myriad of things to come and the cascades haven’t even been felt yet. Like a Tsunami caused by an underground ocean earthquake it shakes the earth but the real devastation is not felt until the huge waves come after. Our economy hasn’t felt the full force of the meltdown yet!

People in America need to understand how and why this happened. But moreover need to see a way out of the mess. I do not see any politicians coming up with a plan and the FED is treading water and printing money 24-7. So what can we do? Stop America and its Citizens from being addicted to credit and borrowing. We have had a dramatic shift from a Savings Nation to a Debtor Nation and it will be our downfall!

A Few Ideas to solve the issue.

1. The FED and Civilians manage and or oversee the budget.
Although great for economy and nation LAWMAKERS would fight forever not to allow that.

2. Pay off deficit and buy back our currency. LIBERATION DAY

a. LAWMAKERS pass 1 law that requires all institutional money management groups (Pension, 401k, Union, Endowment) to allocate 10% of their investments to buy back debt and currency. They all have to invest 100% of the money anyway.

b. The money goes into a pool managed by FED and Civilians to execute the buyback of deficit and currency and invests $1 Trillion of the money raised into the debt market (much needed liquidity for the debt markets) and buys zero coupon bonds that mature to pay off the above at maturity

c. ECONOMY BONDS. America issues Economy Bonds – like War Bonds – Only to Americans to buy back our economy.

d. Lawmakers take 5% of worker’s taxes and place the money into an economy savings plan to shore up all the banks and also turn Americans into savers.

Thursday, July 17, 2008


While Congress Plays Politics as Usual – America’s Economic Free Fall exposes our Core weakness

The China Syndrome refers to a nuclear disaster where an exposed core in theory would drop through from the plant into the earth and go all the way to China. A meltdown of biblical proportion. Well here we stand with the core of our economy exposed to world governments that are witness to our vulnerability, THE ECONOMY. This is the biggest threat to our way of life since the Cuban Missile Crisis.

As Congress plays politics and take a few years to even pass one bill to shore up the massive crisis in the debt market I can only say YOUR FIRED! If the US was a company we would be bankrupt and our leaders – like a board of directors or executive management would be in jail. Decades of out of control spending and having an open check book from China, Russia and the rest of the world has put our way of life at risk. If the world stopped financing our debt at every Treasury auction the US economy would halt and the core meltdown would be reality. Economic War can topple us.

I will tell you why. The world is watching and can see how vulnerable America is because of our economic meltdown. Ever heard that “perception is reality”? Well never more true than in world economics. The perception of credit worthiness in the eyes of the world is critical to maintaining our way of life. Why? Because we are beholden to world powers that own so much of our national debt and currency that even the hint that America is not credit worthy, on a whim or outright economic war those big countries can crater our economy. China Syndrome = $1.6 Trillion of our debt and currency owned by China.

Remember when Japan even hinted that they were going to sell off some of their US treasury holdings almost 20 years ago. KABOOM! Our markets went into a free fall. That was simply a hint and the President had to call the Japanese Prime Minister to stave off disaster – we were that close. That pales in comparison to say China simply saying it is going to stop buying US debt at out treasury auctions. Or say the world starts to charge more interest on our debt. The underpinnings of our economy would be ripped out. No wonder why FICA and The FED have had to step in and stabilize the mortgage industry. If they did’t not and do not continue to the world will lose its faith in our economy and that is disaster.

Economic War can now be waged by so many countries on earth that if several wanted to or some of the major ones sought our destruction not a shot would fired. They would simply unload our debt – SIMPLE AS THAT. And here Congress sits like a deer in headlights while our country faces its biggest crisis since the Great Depression. Congress is playing party politics and only incrementally doing anything to help. The Mortgage Bill being dragged through Congress is ridiculous and it has taken a few years to get this far.

When you wake up each day thank China, Russia, The Middle East and the rest of the world that they allow us to economically continue. I say mandate 10% of every pension, 401k, endowment (that are required to invest 100% of the money they manage) be placed into 1 pool to buy back all US debts and currency being hoarded. A simple plan and would hugely increase the value of our markets and every American’s portfolio. The $6 to $7 trillion raised would be LIBERATION DAY! The day the US and all the groups that made all their money here bought back America from the clutches of the world. It is in everyone’s best interest and a financial sound law that benefits everyone in America and saves the US from an UN NATURAL DISASTER.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


An Un-Natural Disaster:
America Faces its Biggest National Security Crisis - The Economy

Lions and Tiger and Bear Stearns - OH MY GOD! Fannie and Freddie and Indy. And wait! That's not all! The Fire Sale of America is happening. What other skeletons are hiding in our economy's closet? A lot more than you read about, for certain. Propping up our nation's financial institutions is like putting a band-aid to shore up a leaking dam.

It's not the beginning of the end - but it's the beginning of the end for a lot of financial institutions, investors and many of us. Call it quadruple witching or quintuple witching - whatever Wall Street wants to label it - but it's the beginning of America's confidence game being eroded.

Yes, we rely on foreign credit. And we borrow money and spend money like this is going to last forever. But what if the world loses confidence in America and stops lending us money? What if all the money the FED is printing day and night comes back to roost? AND IT WILL! And worse... what if we are attacked and another trillion is ripped from our economy?

It's not just the private sector and banks; it's the rest of the world and people, countries and institutions that are losing billions. The mortgage meltdown and related crises is America's face to the world presently. The world's confidence in America is stretched so thin - just another straw may break the camel's back - or the U.S. BANK.

Any nation on earth right now could topple the U.S. Say China or Russia wants to pull the plug - it's the same as the mortgage meltdown. Confidence in our economy or the CMO's is what allowed the banks to pay forward and constantly borrow on the future to fund themselves. Sound familiar? IT IS! Our whole country is based on borrowing.

The economy of the United States has now become our biggest national security crisis. Our nation is predicated on the foundation of our economic strength and it is collapsing around us and the world is watching. What if a terrorist event happened? A 2X4 right to the head. If our enemies wanted to crush us further, they can simply adjust investments, lending or buying... although, heck, they own us anyway.

The government cannot shore up the failing economy and credit system piecemeal; it needs to take unilateral and massive action on many fronts to stave off an economic disaster that will leave America and all of us vulnerable at the whims of the world's nations. I just hope the glue keeping it all together holds up. And, by the way, if this country was a company, we would already be bankrupt and our officials - like a board of directors and management - would be in jail.


A National Security Crisis: Economic Warfare


9/11 ripped a trillion dollars of value out of our financial markets. Freddie and Fannie, IndyMac and Bear Stearns - The House(ing) of Cards meltdown is much worse. The real reason the FED and FICA are rushing in to shore up the nation's institutions is our dependency on our CREDIT WORTHINESS in the eyes of the world. If America loses its footing and the world nations stop propping our government up by constantly buying our debt, America will fall straight off a cliff. If governments like China or Russia wanted to topple our way of life, they don't have to use military force. America's vulnerability is our economy.

America is playing '52 card pickup' while the world is playing chess and has us in check. With China, for example, owning 1.6+ trillion dollars of U.S. debt and the rest of the world constantly buying our T-Bills and bonds, we are over a barrel and completely dependent on their faith in our financial system. Behind the Curtain the FED and FICA are playing the Wizard of Oz and the curtain is being ripped open.

Ever see "It's a Wonderful Life" where everyone makes a run on the Bailey Building and Loan Assoc.? Check out IndyMac Bank - people walking out of there like the Great Depression Era; people making runs on banks like IndyMac is a thing for the history or storybooks. But it's happening right here in America. Our financial institutions are going bankrupt and our monetary system is teetering like an elephant tied to a small branch hanging off a cliff. A few more inches, a few more collapses and the house of cards falls down.

When you hear naysayers battering the FED and FICA for stepping in to shore up the Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, you know it's serious. But IS IT ENOUGH? Absolutely not!

If the FED and America's financial institutions do not act massively, not one step at a time, other shoes will begin dropping all over. The more shoes that hit the ground, the more America's financial system and way of life will be threatened. Do you think our enemies know this to be absolutely true? You better believe they do and they know we are being held captive by the world. We think Osama Bin Laden is our enemy? We are told our enemies live in caves and throw rocks at the sun. Not all of our enemies wear a uniform or carry a gun. Our enemies are hugely sophisticated chess players; and financial collapse and denigration of the world's confidence in America is a checkmate.

I have proposed that a law be passed that will require all major institutions in America that invest 100% of their money in the financial markets on behalf of their constituents (401k, Endowment, Taft Hartley, Pensions, etc.) allocate 10% to buy back the U.S. debt and currency that has been hoarded by countries throughout the world. It is simple but sophisticated and would transform America and our financial status in the world and possibly stave off an imminent ECONOMIC WAR where the U.S. is sure to lose.

Friday, July 11, 2008


Clean Up Washington With One Move - Have the Fed and Civilians Manage the Budget

"Law Makers" make laws right? How and why did they get control of our Money! Through laws they passed of course!

Pork, ear marks, lobbyist and special interest groups!

Take away the Budget from the law makers and clean up Washington. Simple as that!

Although everyone especially lawmakers would fight this bitterly we must recognize and conclude we are going bankrupt as a nation and likely already in a bankruptcy spiral and the "LAW MAKERS" are largely to blame. This certainly does not apply to to all Lawmakers but whoever said Law Makers are supposed to be money managers and the business men and women who control our financial destiny.

If any company, any person, anyone or anything for that matter managed money like the LAW MAKERS, they would be in Jail or homeless if they are lucky.

Can we agree LAW MAKERS create our laws. The White House creates policy. How the heck did these people get control of our money? Do you want DC cleaned up? Do you want our country to survive economic disaster? Then get our money out of their hands. Take the special interest groups and in my opinion corrupt spending out of the game. Have the Fed manage the money and bring in big finance guns to help.

No more budget - no more corruption - no more adolescents with a credit card and certainly no special interests, no PORK, No Fraud Waste and Abuse - NO MORE!

Don't think this will ever fly? Well how about a national referendum. A ballot item in every state, municipality and across the country. This applies to Federal, State and Local spending.

UP or DOWN Vote!

Up! I as a US citizen want Congress, The Senate and the White House to manage the budget

Down! I as a US Citizen want the Fed to Manage the US Budget with Experience Financial Managers.

What do you think the outcome will be? I am not a pollster but I assure you if you ask anyone on the street, anyone anywhere the resounding and overwhelming response would be to get the budget out of the hands of these representatives.

We live in a Democracy right? So you think. This is an Oligarchy! Rule by the few, the rich and the powerful. PERIOD! Do you think for a minute they would give up control of our money. Do you think for a moment in each state, in each municipality and Washington the LAW MAKERS would give up their power to spend Trillions. Not in a million years - even though through a landslide margin we would likely vote to take it away before they bankrupt the US, if they haven't already.

Aside from the national debt and pork spending on issues like the Prairie Highway, FRAUD at the highest level and absolute outrageous spending in districts where these law makers come from, people can't eat or be properly educated in this country. We are allowing LAW MAKERS to flush our county down the toilet. Image you and I borrowing money from the world, BILLIONS A MONTH! Then using the money to advance our personal aspirations, line our friends and colleagues personal pockets and spend on projects that wouldn't in your wildest dreams ever be able to pass an 8th graders questioning. This is your American LAW MAKERS. Your adolescent with an open bank account but in this case the Parent is China and Russia and the rest of the world.