Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Pakistan Ground Zero

Radical Islam’s Nuclear Ambition

I’ve been writing about Pakistan for a while pointing to the ominous threat that the rapidly destabilizing situation there poses to the world. Just imagine radical Islam having the bomb! Iran isn’t the only one with nuclear ambition.

The question we have to ask ourselves is what would happen if Pakistan goes the way Iran did decades ago. The nuclear nation is hanging by a thread and their nukes are within striking distance of the Taliban already. What a horrifying scenario. Worse, history is repeating itself and actually repeating upon us. Pakistan is the Cambodia of this war just like in Vietnam. A hands off nation harboring the Taliban like the Viet Cong growing their military and power while we fight a politically correct WAR and let it all happen. The only thing they understand is power and if we don’t crush this it will become one of the worst situations our planet has faced.

If you don’t think Iran and the Taliban backed by Iran have their eyes fixed on getting their hands on Pakistan you are mistaken. This is the “Holy Grail” of situations. If Radical Islam can influence Pakistan or better help topple the government – even in some major parts of the country – they can get their hands on the Nukes. Well that won’t happen. Pakistan will take care of that. You better believe they won’t and may not be able to stop it. The Taliban isn’t throwing rocks at the sun and their benefactors like Iran and North Korea are pulling strings behind the curtain. The goal being to turn Pakistan into a Theocracy. Imagine if Iran had nukes when the revolution took place.

Here again we are being statesman and playing with velvet gloves. The Taliban knows this and also knows we have limits to what we can and can’t do. But they certainly don’t have to adhere to the Geneva convention. They cut off heads on TV and they blow up stuff across the world to bring attention to their cause that grows every day. As their movement grows the world becomes a far more dangerous place and now with Pakistan it has reached in my mind a final boiling point. Send more troops to Afghanistan. “Work with” the Pakistani government to help them combat radical Islam and the Taliban. What in the heck are we talking about? This situation is repulsive to me. If Pakistan is home to the Taliban and a nuclear nation then how the hell can we let them continue to exist there?

We 100% cannot allow them this safe haven and opportunity. If Pakistan can’t or want handle this the US should take matters into their own hands and turn Northern Pakistan into a wasteland. If all they respect is power and we won’t use it we are that Paper Tiger. Sleeves up, gloves off and put the Hand of God down on the Northern provinces there or our worst case scenario will come true. But since we are owned by the world and China paid for the Iraq war we have to sit by and watch these lunatics thumb their noses at us. I for one would have already turned northern Pakistan into a wasteland.

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