Tuesday, May 26, 2009

North Korea has the bomb - Iran will be next

Obama is being challenged – even Joe Biden predicted it.

3 nations we would deem horrifying with the bomb are North Korea, Iran and Venezuela. All 3 are led by a hardcore regime and each has stated ambitions to wield the Hand of God. North Korea is by far the most grave to the US and its allies like Japan. North Korea has the means to bomb Japan now and has been lofting missiles to prove the point. I predict that while Obama is in office Iran will get the bomb! It is not just a bluff anymore this is a real situation that challenges the Obama administration. We had George Bush, although not generally popular, as our Bulldog. Now we have a Jimmy Carter in the White House and we all know what that did. Remember how fast Iran coughed up our hostages when Regan came in.

Joe Biden was very clear that the Obama administration would face “Tests” early in the administration and he is exactly right. Obama offered an olive branch to Iran and they spat on it. North Korea is just flogging its nukes in the face of the world – more specifically the US. The Liberal agenda has been one of positive change for the US global image and that is for certain needed. But at the same time there has never been a Liberal nation in history that has survived itself. Liberalism and a peaceful national stance will get America hurt and badly. Our enemies are working tirelessly to obtain, develop and potentially use their force and agenda to corner us and the terrorists are watching with glee.

Shut down Gitmo! Pull out of Iraq! And placate rogue nations is exactly what terrorists and dictators love to hear. In their minds they have won or are winning the battle with us. This makes the world a much more dangerous place and here we are worried about the rights of lunatics. Our velvet glove approach to the world works for many nations but not crazies. We are going to see what Liberals are made of now and if they have the guts to stand up and face threats. If we continue to outreach to nations and play Mr. Nice Guy in this dangerous world we will have another 911 and worse instability and threats worldwide. Even if the public didn’t like Bush I bet most Americans felt safer with a Bushdog in there making sure the world knew not to come even close to doing us harm.

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