Thursday, February 19, 2009


Political Entertainment + The American Intellectual Desert = YOUR OPINION!
Beyond The Planet of The Apes +Land of the Misfit Toys = Political Fantasy Island

Our Public Servants are Living High on the Hog – AGAIN! I wake up every day and find myself looking at the vast American Intellectual Desert while our leaders are showing us reruns of Fantasy Island. Its Political Entertainment Dummy! I watch the media glorify every political action no matter how ridiculous it is. Already we are seeing the most Liberal, Big Spending President in our history. This is just in the first month in office. It’s not just the President either it’s the whole political circus. And why is it a circus and so well publicized? Because you are ignorant, uneducated children that eat it all up. Politicians realize that using massive amounts media allows them to GIVE YOU YOUR OPINION. That’s right – just like consumer products, movie and rock stars, packaging and branding influences our opinion – or why would they ever spend a dime on the media. The key here is to keep you looking in another direction while our government and its leaders make empty promises, sometimes outright lie, perpetrate worse actions than many of the failed economic giants while most people get some popcorn and get ready for the show.

Here is a perfect example of Political Entertainment. Trips to Denver and Phoenix to sign bills for political showmanship wasn’t what we were promised in the election. It costs almost $65k an hour just to run Air Force One. The massive security each time the President goes to a city and all the personnel required on scene and around the country makes for a ridiculous amount of time and money. Every hour the plane is in the air alone costs more than what 90% of Americans make in a year – remember that number during the campaign. Just one simple example. Even in this record setting spending bill members of the Senate and Congress had to be “paid off” for their vote by receiving pork packages of ridiculous proportion for their constituents back home so they can tout it come reelection time – and yes they will use Political Entertainment so you buy it!. They couldn’t even pass one clean straightforward bill without all the people getting their hands in the cookie jar.

The hog is higher than ever now and this spending bill relies on minting money and borrowing – I think our public servants are living in the Land of the Misfit Toys. The balance sheet with almost $2 trillion added in debt in the last year doesn’t even account for Freddie and Fannie contingent liabilities. These are liabilities that the government is on the hook for but not reported on the books. So another $75 billion is being allocated to insure the refinancing package through Freddie and Fannie! $5 trillion of mortgages already backed by the “Full Faith” of our government. Doesn’t that mean less revenue for the already bankrupt Freddie and Fannie? No matter how ridiculous this all is it is too little too late. Political wins and touting success don’t let us know that it will take so long to implement and get going that many will lose their homes anyway. Regardless of what the politicians are telling us.

I cannot believe The American Company is run like the mortgage owners and banks. Borrow, Borrow, Borrow and roll over interest and debt repayments by Borrowing more. Sound familiar! Right the banking meltdown. We are prosecuting the perpetrators across Wall Street requiring massive, very costly investigations. What about the Senate and Congress. Where is their accountability. Why do we allow our CEO and Board stand up in front of us and present business plans that can’t work, don’t work and are divergent of what the shareholders were told. That sound more like Enron Health South and WolrdCom to me. Frankly the government is above the law now isn’t it. We can spend but borrow to spend, keep off balance sheet accounting, pilfer Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and other programs we pay for but that own almost 50% of our deficit. This means hardly any real money by the way! Robbing Peter to pay Paul – NOT – robbing you and me to pay for $2 billion in a cow flatulence study.

Come on – if you look at the way our company is run wouldn’t you either bankrupt it, fire everyone, send people to jail and so on. Yes there would be shareholder revolt. Well I am a shareholder in the country I pay for it every year with taxes and I pay into the social security system and others just so I can get robbed. What the heck is going on. I know the airwaves and TV have to pull the wool off our eyes because we must be blind – or better yet with blinders on. We only look at what we are being told not what is reality. And if they want your opinion they are HAPPY TO GIVE IT TO YOU!

Hence the politicizing of all these spending – whoops I mean borrowing bills – and using the media to glorify the programs – but in reality – its only geared toward perpetual branding and sales for Americans to gobble up and ask for more.

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