Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Obama is a Great Salesman but do Americans Know What They are Buying?

If they want you opinion they are happy TO GIVE IT TO YOU!

There is no doubt that a stimulus package will be passed. Obama is a great salesman – one the best I have ever seen. But do American’s know what they are buying? I guess if they want our opinion on the package then use the media to give us our opinion. That’s right the most powerful weapon of the 21st century and we all know it dramatically affects our behavior and outcomes – even in elections as we all well know.

We are paying a board of directors, CEO and management and this is the plan they came up with! You have got the be kidding me. The worst thing is we are all shareholders and I know if America was a company our stock price would be in the tank, our balance sheet destroyed and management and the board fired by the shareholders. But we go on – never really having a voice in this mess and certainly don’t have voice in policy and this bailout – as ineffective as I know it will be.

Let me paint a picture. Can you imagine if you were a CEO and you take the stage with a huge audience of shareholders. Start with 25% of all company revenue was simply to pay interest on debt. Worse you ask to borrow more and even worse you plan to cut revenue by another $500 billion or so. America paid and mostly accrued$318 billion last year just in interest on the debt. We only collect $1.2 trillion is tax revenue. So simply put you cut revenue, pile on debt and continue to finance interest on that debt. Cut revenue and increase borrowing? Wasn’t the problem with the banks that they kept buying and selling mortgage debt and paying it forward just like America’s debt. When do you think the house of cards is going to tumble. In our lifetime? In our children’s? You better believe it.

I believe if everyone in the country knew the facts and especially the figures they would be terrified that our country isn’t going to make it. And that is just what they can see on the reported balance sheet. There is a lot more we don’t even see like the $5 trillion committed to back the Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac disasters that isn’t really publicized is it! Adding another $800 billion that won’t really impact the economy short term – and questionable if it will midterm is so irresponsible and out of bounds I can’t believe all these “smart” people in DC can’t figure that out. Here is what we are buying.

Down the rabbit hole. Lawmakers raised the deficit ceiling to $11.3 trillion. Our deficit is already $10.7 trillion. So already we have to yet again raise the ceiling. Here is a real gut wrenching figure; The deficit grows every day at $3.44 billion and accelerating – we all know how savings accumulates exponentially – You get the point. The extra trillion we are about to pile on will increase that number so we are looking at a much higher amount than proposed because America has to finance it or print more money and that WILL come home to roost. Lump in Social Security and Medicare (by the way they own almost half the debt along with some government agencies) and a $40 billion shortfall over the coming years.

If you watched TV last night the sale wasn’t just the Stimulus Package it was an opinion making pitch to America.

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