I am healthy but the more I hear of socialized healthcare the more sick I get. Don’t get me wrong I think It will be great to get the 47 million uninsured – insured.
But being a fiscal watchdog this is the worst time in history to push another huge borrowing bill. If they say $1 trillion we know it will be way more expensive than that. Although this worked well in Massachusetts nationally it won’t. Plus with unemployment at levels we haven’t seen since World War II and those using far extended benefits how much more will that impact the cost? Did anyone in DC figure that in?
Much like car insurance everyone would be required to have it or get a nice tax penalty. Low income families will get a waiver or a voucher to use. Of course the pigs are at the trough already with Insurance companies, hospitals and drug companies spending hundreds of millions to lobby for healthcare reform. But the doctors have had little representation and it will be horrifying for them - the providers. Add it up! Unemployed, can’t afford it, low income etc.. And you have one of the most expensive efforts in US history.
Following European and Canadian Liberal programs like this and massive expansion of government is going to weigh heavily on an already bankrupt America. The hidden costs of the program won’t be understood until they institute another entitlement program that fails. Welfare, Medicaid, Medicare are already so screwed up and cost us so much money how can we add more fuel to the fire. Worse this is just another cookie jar for politicians to dig into. Why do you think the bill is having trouble getting structured? You got it – every side deal and backroom bribe is being tossed into it.
Bottom line is America can’t afford to run our business this way. Our profit and loss statement is $2 trillion in the hole. We are $12 trillion and soon $19 trillion in debt. Revenue is being cut (taxes) and to make up for all this we borrow money from the World. Now on top of that our failed company decides that although it is on the brink of bankruptcy that it is going to borrow another few trillion to provide employees huge healthcare programs. Not only is American sovereignty now held in the hands of foreign nations with another few trillion in socialized healthcare America ensures that the spiral drives us right off Capital Cliff.
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