Tuesday, July 15, 2008


An Un-Natural Disaster:
America Faces its Biggest National Security Crisis - The Economy

Lions and Tiger and Bear Stearns - OH MY GOD! Fannie and Freddie and Indy. And wait! That's not all! The Fire Sale of America is happening. What other skeletons are hiding in our economy's closet? A lot more than you read about, for certain. Propping up our nation's financial institutions is like putting a band-aid to shore up a leaking dam.

It's not the beginning of the end - but it's the beginning of the end for a lot of financial institutions, investors and many of us. Call it quadruple witching or quintuple witching - whatever Wall Street wants to label it - but it's the beginning of America's confidence game being eroded.

Yes, we rely on foreign credit. And we borrow money and spend money like this is going to last forever. But what if the world loses confidence in America and stops lending us money? What if all the money the FED is printing day and night comes back to roost? AND IT WILL! And worse... what if we are attacked and another trillion is ripped from our economy?

It's not just the private sector and banks; it's the rest of the world and people, countries and institutions that are losing billions. The mortgage meltdown and related crises is America's face to the world presently. The world's confidence in America is stretched so thin - just another straw may break the camel's back - or the U.S. BANK.

Any nation on earth right now could topple the U.S. Say China or Russia wants to pull the plug - it's the same as the mortgage meltdown. Confidence in our economy or the CMO's is what allowed the banks to pay forward and constantly borrow on the future to fund themselves. Sound familiar? IT IS! Our whole country is based on borrowing.

The economy of the United States has now become our biggest national security crisis. Our nation is predicated on the foundation of our economic strength and it is collapsing around us and the world is watching. What if a terrorist event happened? A 2X4 right to the head. If our enemies wanted to crush us further, they can simply adjust investments, lending or buying... although, heck, they own us anyway.

The government cannot shore up the failing economy and credit system piecemeal; it needs to take unilateral and massive action on many fronts to stave off an economic disaster that will leave America and all of us vulnerable at the whims of the world's nations. I just hope the glue keeping it all together holds up. And, by the way, if this country was a company, we would already be bankrupt and our officials - like a board of directors and management - would be in jail.

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